Chetan Dhangar | Front-End Web Developer

Technologies Known

I'm familiar with JavaScript, ReactJs, Html, CSS, NodeJs, ExpressJs, C, Java, Bootstrap, Git, Web Hosting.


I like to showcase my work and thus, you can see my projects hosted online

👨‍💻 Projects

Read My Blogs

I am also working on some technical and non techincal blogs. I like to document my journey of learning.

📖 Read Blogs

Get in Touch

If you've got a short question or message (<280 chars), please tweet @Chetandhangar21 and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. I also reply to Instagram DMs feel free to DM me.

🐦 Twitter

If it's a longer thing, or you don't want it to be a public tweet, please email me (chetansdhangar@gmailcom). I read 100% of emails and i try to reply all the mails on the same day itself.

📨 Email

I love meeting up with people in real life. So here's a standing offer - if you fancy taking a trip to Mumbai (India) and want to chat, I'll buy you a coffee, no questions asked. Drop me an email ( and include [Coffee] in the subject line, and we can work something out.

☕️ In Person